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Schlafexperten in Ihrer Nähe

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The Flexo slatted frame from RELAX® with 28 multi-layer glued spring contact strips made of natural beech wood, supported in elastic natural rubber caps, guarantees a healthy and relaxing sleep. It optimally adapts to your body thus providing the best support for your spine when lying. Thanks to its low installation height of only 9 cm, it can be installed in almost any bed. Naturally, our metal-free RELAX® solid wood beds are the best option. 

Flexo slatted frame with head and foot adjustment 

It is equipped with a metal-free head and foot adjustment so that you can read leisurely or relax in your bed.

Flexo slatte frame with an electric motor frame

The electric motor guarantees optimal comfort and can be set infinitely as you wish, with knee bend and shoulder lowering, power disconnection and emergency lowering mechanism. (Low installation height of 13 cm)  

starrFlexo rigid mit Sitz-/FusshochstellungFlexo with head and foot adjustment mit MotorrahmenFlexo with electric motor